Everyday Compression Stockings

Sigvaris’ best compression socks for everyday use are designed for your daily comfort and well-being. Many people mistakenly believe that compression stockings are only helpful for conditions like varicose veins and venous insufficiency; nevertheless, our selection is designed for regular usage. Our stockings provide the necessary support whether you’re on your feet for long periods or exploring new places.

Many people face the challenge of feeling fatigued after a long day of standing or walking. However, you may go about your day without experiencing any pain in your feet or legs. This is because our everyday compression socks have gentle pressure, which is lower than class 1 compression (18-21 mmHg). We provide daily compression socks in various colors, designs, and sizes to meet multiple concerns while keeping you comfortable all day.

Everyday Compression Socks Product Range

Our compression socks for everyday use offer a multifaceted solution to common leg concerns. Firstly, they are a proactive measure against varicose veins, effectively preventing their development with gentle yet consistent pressure, promoting healthy blood flow. This proactive approach is especially beneficial for those who spend long hours on their feet, as the socks prevent varicose veins and provide crucial support. 

This support translates into minimized swelling and pain relief, ideal for tired, achy legs or those recovering from strenuous activities. Additionally, our selection features closed-toe, below-the-knee compression stockings available in diverse styles. This variety caters to individual preferences, seamlessly allowing them to easily integrate them into their daily attire. Despite their effectiveness in supporting leg health, these stockings have mild compression levels. This ensures their effectiveness and comfort on the skin, making them suitable for extended wear without causing discomfort or irritation.

Everyday Compression Socks Benefits

  • Unisex options available 
  • Closed-toe, knee-length options
  • Comprehensive sizing options to choose from
  • Improves circulation and reduces swelling
  • Comfortable fit and durable
  • Made from 100% finest Swiss cotton
  • Provides support during travel
  • It helps in preventing varicose veins
  • Versatile options
  • Enhanced athletic performance

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the maximum time to wear compression socks?

The ideal person to tell you this is your doctor. However, depending on your health, they may recommend wearing compression socks for 10 to 12 hours daily, depending on what you do during a typical day. 

Q2. How do I know if I need compression socks?

One way to tell if you need compression socks is to look for swelling after prolonged standing or sitting. Next, consider if spider or varicose veins run in your family. 

Q3. What are the rules for wearing compression socks?

Wearing them first thing in the morning will help you get a good fit when swelling is minimal. To get the correct size, go to our product sizing chart. Take them off before bed so your skin can breathe. For optimal effects, it is recommended that you wear them consistently, particularly when sitting, standing, or traveling for lengthy periods. Finally, a healthcare provider can provide specific instructions on using compression socks properly if you still need clarification.

Q4. Which is better, knee-high or thigh-high compression stockings?

Depending on the severity of the condition, your healthcare provider will recommend the best everyday compression socks. Both knee-high and thigh-high stockings have several advantages. Knee-high compression socks help relieve mild varicose or spider veins, whereas thigh-high socks are beneficial for preventing DVT from worsening. 

Q5. How do I know what level of compression stockings I need?

Your doctor will look for signs of varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or other venous insufficiencies and assess the degree of swelling, among other things. This will help the doctor decide the level of compression required for your condition. 

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